An Organizer in the making!

Already as a young girl, my friends knew me as the organizer. I often spent hours enjoying rearranging rooms and sorting things in my surroundings. I grew up in a big family where my mother, a Swiss, from the culture known for efficiency and ultimate organization, so I learned first hand from one of the best trainers! Later co-workers, often relied upon me to locate paperwork in my filing systems or organize a work station. People frequently come to my home and tell me, "Ruth, you are SO organized!" My sisters encouraged me start my own business in 2015 - thus, the name of my company became - The So-Organized-Sister.


I have gained experience for this work through practice, personal experience and finally, study. I have a bachelors degree in psychology and a counseling master's degree.  I left my career in school guidance to be a stay-at-home mother to my two children. Simultaneously, my parents needed to move out of the 45+ year homestead and into senior living accommodations. My mother, stricken with Alzheimer's Disease, had left an archival dig and huge undertaking for the family to process. My father later chose to move into a retirement community. A lot went into the planning and process of such a move and it was the best decision they could have made. Watching my parents go through their transitions, allowed me to see how I could assist other individuals and families.  

Providing S.O.S.

I love to help busy or overwhelmed individuals or families with their home or office organization. Whether a file cabinet, garage, attic, a room, or whole house overhaul, I can create a system that allows you to be more functional so you can feel great about your space!
